Schneider Electric launches APC Back-UPS Pro Gaming UPS, now available in Europe.

June 28, 2024 by our News Team

Schneider Electric has released the APC Back-UPS Pro Gaming uninterruptible power supply, featuring sine wave battery backup power, Automatic Voltage Regulation, and a patented reactor circle, to protect gaming equipment from power outages and provide uninterrupted connectivity, with customizable RGB LED lights and two sleek color options, starting at £71.99 in Europe.

Pros: 1. Provides reliable backup power for gaming equipment during power outages. 2. Features sine wave battery backup power and Automatic Voltage Regulation for protection against power irregularities. 3. Comes with customizable RGB LED lights and two sleek color options to match any gaming setup.

Schneider Electric, the powerhouse in energy management and automation, has just dropped an exciting announcement for gamers across Europe. They’ve launched their latest creation, the APC Back-UPS Pro Gaming uninterruptible power supplies (UPS), and it’s a game-changer.

Now, you might be wondering what makes this UPS so special. Well, let me break it down for you. This sleek and state-of-the-art device is designed to protect your precious gaming equipment from power outages and keep you connected to your online gaming experiences and audiences, no matter what.

But how does it do that, you ask? The APC Back-UPS Pro Gaming UPS features sine wave battery backup power, which basically means it delivers a smooth electrical current that sensitive electronics, like your gaming gear, crave. It also has Automatic Voltage Regulation (AVR) to protect against power irregularities that can cause glitches and buffering during an outage. In other words, it’s like a shield that extends the lifespan of your gaming equipment.

One of the coolest features of the APC Back-UPS Pro Gaming UPS is its patented reactor circle. This nifty little circle is visible from every angle and gives you all the important info you need. It shows you how much battery power is left when you’re on backup power, and it lets you know about surges, dips, power outages, and even building wiring faults. Talk about being in the know!

Let’s talk specifics. The APC Back-UPS Pro Gaming UPS comes with six battery backup outlets that provide surge protection and instantly power up your XBOX, Playstation, PC, TV, or Router/modem during a power loss. Plus, it has four additional surge-only outlets to protect against those nasty power surges that can fry your equipment. And if you’re a fan of recharging your devices while gaming, you’ll love the three front USB ports that are perfect for gaming headsets and mobile phones.

Now, let’s talk style. The APC Back-UPS Pro Gaming UPS comes in two sleek color options: Arctic (BGM1500) and Midnight (BGM1500B). But that’s not all. It also features 12 customizable RGB LED lights, so you can match it perfectly with your gaming setup. It’s like having your own personal light show while you game!

Elliott Turek, Director of Category Management at Schneider Electric, Europe, knows just how important reliable power and internet connectivity are for gamers and influencers. He said, “Any surges, spikes, or energy failures can have a major impact on both their equipment and their connection to audiences around the world.” And he’s right. When you’re in the middle of an intense gaming session or streaming to thousands of viewers, the last thing you want is a power outage ruining everything.

But fear not, my fellow gamers. Schneider Electric has got your back. They’ve designed the APC Back-UPS Pro Gaming UPS to ensure that your expensive and sensitive electronics, like your GPU-powered PC and gaming systems from Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo, stay protected from electrical damage. They want to make sure that the gamers and influencers of the future can game on with peace of mind.

And it’s not just about protecting your equipment. Schneider Electric is a D&H Certified Esports Provider, which means they understand the needs of esports enthusiasts and pros. They know that your reputation is on the line every time you step into the virtual arena, and they want to make sure that something as simple as a power outage doesn’t tarnish it.

So, whether you’re a professional gamer, a casual player, or a social media influencer, the APC Back-UPS Pro Gaming UPS is here to keep you protected, connected, and in the game. It’s like having your own personal bodyguard for your gaming setup.

But wait, there’s more! Schneider Electric has also restocked their APC Back-UPS Connect UPS, which is perfect for powering your routers, modems, voice over IP (VoIP) systems, and other Smart Home devices. This compact UPS uses lithium-ion batteries to offer up to 4 hours of runtime, so you never have to worry about losing connectivity during a power outage.

The APC Back-UPS Pro Gaming UPS and APC Back-UPS Connect are available for purchase right now in Europe, with prices starting at just £71.99. So, if you’re tired of power outages ruining your gaming sessions or disconnecting you from your audience, it’s time to level up with Schneider Electric’s latest products. Get ready to game on with peace of mind and uninterrupted power!

Schneider Electric launches APC Back-UPS Pro Gaming UPS, now available in Europe.

Schneider Electric launches APC Back-UPS Pro Gaming UPS, now available in Europe.

Schneider Electric launches APC Back-UPS Pro Gaming UPS, now available in Europe.

Schneider Electric launches APC Back-UPS Pro Gaming UPS, now available in Europe.

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Background Information

About Arctic: Arctic is a rising star in the tech industry with a focus on developing innovative cooling solutions for electronic systems. As the leading manufacturer of computer cooling solutions, Arctic has been at the forefront of the industry for many years. The company has over 25 years of experience and is celebrated for their pioneering designs and technology. Their commitment to quality and innovation has resulted in an extensive range of coolers, power supplies and fans that have become indispensable components of all major computer system builds. As their range of products continues to grow, Arctic is energizing the PC component market and revolutionizing the way enthusiasts and professionals build out their systems.

Arctic website  Arctic LinkedIn

About Microsoft: Microsoft, founded by Bill Gates and Paul Allen in 1975 in Redmond, Washington, USA, is a technology giant known for its wide range of software products, including the Windows operating system, Office productivity suite, and cloud services like Azure. Microsoft also manufactures hardware, such as the Surface line of laptops and tablets, Xbox gaming consoles, and accessories.

Microsoft website  Microsoft LinkedIn

About Nintendo: Nintendo, a important Japanese multinational consumer electronics and video game company, has left an indelible mark on the gaming landscape. Established in 1889, Nintendo has evolved from producing playing cards to becoming a gaming giant that has introduced some of the most beloved and enduring franchises in the industry, including Mario, Zelda, and Pokémon. With a rich history of innovation, Nintendo has consistently pushed boundaries, leading to the creation of iconic gaming consoles like the Nintendo Switch, which offers a unique hybrid gaming experience.

Nintendo website  Nintendo LinkedIn

About Sony: Sony Corporation, a global conglomerate for its diverse range of innovative consumer electronics and entertainment products, has also made significant strides in the realm of computer products. Leveraging its expertise in engineering and technology, Sony has introduced laptops, tablets, and accessories that blend sleek design with robust performance. These computer products bear the hallmark of Sony's commitment to quality and innovation, catering to both casual users and professionals seeking powerful computing solutions. With a history of pushing technological boundaries, Sony's computer products showcase its dedication to creating devices that seamlessly integrate into modern lifestyle

Sony website  Sony LinkedIn

Technology Explained

GPU: GPU stands for Graphics Processing Unit and is a specialized type of processor designed to handle graphics-intensive tasks. It is used in the computer industry to render images, videos, and 3D graphics. GPUs are used in gaming consoles, PCs, and mobile devices to provide a smooth and immersive gaming experience. They are also used in the medical field to create 3D models of organs and tissues, and in the automotive industry to create virtual prototypes of cars. GPUs are also used in the field of artificial intelligence to process large amounts of data and create complex models. GPUs are becoming increasingly important in the computer industry as they are able to process large amounts of data quickly and efficiently.

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