HARMAN Joins Eclipse Foundation’s Software Defined Vehicle Working Group: Shaping the Future of Automotive Software

February 13, 2024 by our News Team

HARMAN joins Eclipse SDV Working Group to drive open-source software development for the future of the automotive industry.

  • HARMAN's extensive experience in both automotive and consumer tech makes it well-suited to drive the software-driven transformation in the automotive industry.
  • By introducing cloud-native technologies to vehicles, HARMAN aims to shape a new era of consumer experiences.
  • HARMAN's partnership with Samsung positions it as the only automotive technology company capable of delivering consumer experiences at an automotive grade.

HARMAN, a leader in automotive and consumer tech, has announced its participation in the Eclipse Software Defined Vehicle (SDV) Working Group at The Eclipse Foundation. This group aims to create an open-source ecosystem that will shape the future of the automotive industry.

The automotive industry is undergoing a significant shift towards a software-defined vehicle design process. This approach offers numerous benefits, including faster time-to-market, new revenue streams, and innovative service models. The Eclipse SDV Working Group provides a neutral platform for collaboration among individuals and organizations, with a focus on developing open-source software to support comprehensive in-vehicle and around-the-vehicle systems development.

HARMAN’s extensive experience in both automotive and consumer tech makes it well-suited to drive this software-driven transformation. By introducing cloud-native technologies to vehicles, HARMAN aims to shape a new era of consumer experiences. With its expertise in intelligent cockpit solutions, HARMAN can play a crucial role in helping industry leaders adopt these technologies and share best practices within the Eclipse SDV Working Group.

Initially, HARMAN will contribute to various projects within the Eclipse SDV Working Group, such as Eclipse Ibeji, which enables the modeling and access of vehicle hardware, sensors, and capabilities. Additionally, HARMAN plans to publish unique contributions like automotive-grade container runtimes and cloud services for connected experiences.

Heiko Hüttel, Vice President of Software Products at HARMAN, expressed excitement about joining the SDV Working Group and influencing the future of vehicles. HARMAN’s partnership with Samsung positions it as the only automotive technology company capable of delivering consumer experiences at an automotive grade. Hüttel looks forward to collaborating with the Eclipse Foundation and other participants to accelerate the transformation of software-defined vehicles.

Mike Milinkovich, executive director for the Eclipse Foundation, emphasized the industry momentum behind the SDV Working Group and praised HARMAN’s leadership in connected technologies. He believes that HARMAN’s expertise will be crucial in achieving the shared vision of the group.

HARMAN is committed to building world-class in-vehicle experiences and helping its customers thrive in collaborative ecosystems. As a founding member of the SDV Working Group, Hüttel sees this initiative as a significant step towards transforming automotive software efforts.

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Background Information

About Samsung: Samsung, a South Korean multinational conglomerate, has established itself as a global leader in various industries, including electronics, technology, and more. Founded in 1938, Samsung's influence spans from smartphones and consumer electronics to semiconductors and home appliances. With a commitment to innovation, Samsung has contributed products like the Galaxy series of smartphones, QLED TVs, and SSDs that have revolutionized the way we live and work.

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