Steam introduces game recording beta, revolutionizing gameplay capture for gamers.

June 28, 2024 by our News Team

Steam has launched a new Steam Game Recording Beta that allows gamers to easily record, replay, clip, and share their gameplay moments, with features such as automatic and manual recording, lightweight tools for finding and clipping footage, and compatibility with non-Steam games.

  • Easy to use and convenient for capturing and sharing gameplay footage
  • Works with any game that allows the Steam Overlay to run
  • Minimizes CPU usage and utilizes dedicated video encoding hardware for better performance

Hey gamers, exciting news! Steam has just launched its new Steam Game Recording Beta, a built-in system that lets you create and share your gameplay footage. Whether you want to capture epic highlights or document your entire gaming campaign, this all-new set of features has got you covered.

So, what exactly can you do with Steam Game Recording Beta? Well, it can record, replay, clip, and share all your favorite gameplay moments. You have the option to set it to automatically record in the background every time you start playing, or you can manually start and stop recording whenever you want. And this is just the beginning! The Beta phase already offers plenty of features, with even more exciting ones on the horizon.

Let’s dive into some of the cool things you can do with Steam Game Recording Beta. First up, we have the ability to capture highlights and document your gaming campaigns. Whether you pull off an incredible headshot or complete a challenging level, you can easily save those epic moments for future bragging rights.

But what if you’re in the middle of an intense gaming session and something amazing happens? No worries! With Background Recording mode, your gameplay is continuously saved to your preferred drive without exceeding your specified duration and storage limits. And if you prefer more control, there’s also an On Demand Recording mode that allows you to manually start and stop recording. Plus, with the help of the Steam Timeline and Event Markers, you can quickly jump back in time and find those key moments you want to relive or share with your friends.

Now, let’s talk about convenience. Steam offers lightweight tools that make it super easy to find and clip your gameplay footage. No more sifting through hours of recorded content to find that one awesome kill. And once you’ve found the perfect clip, sharing it is a breeze. You can quickly send it to a friend in chat with just one click or show off your gaming skills to the world by posting it for everyone to see. And if you’re lucky enough to own a Steam Deck">Steam Deck, you can easily send your footage from the Deck to your PC or mobile device.

But wait, there’s more! Steam Game Recording Beta is not limited to Steam titles only. It works with any game that allows the Steam Overlay to run, including non-Steam titles. So, no matter what game you’re playing, you can capture and share your gameplay moments with ease.

Performance is always a concern when it comes to recording gameplay, but Steam has got you covered there too. Steam Game Recording Beta minimizes CPU usage by utilizing the dedicated video encoding hardware of your AMD or nVidia GPUs. This means you can record your games without worrying about performance issues.

Privacy is also a top priority. Steam Game Recording Beta allows you to choose which audio channels are included in your recordings, ensuring that only your gameplay is captured, not your desktop activities. And since the footage is saved directly to your hard drive, you have full control over what you choose to share with others.

Now, I know what you’re thinking – what’s next? Well, Steam has some exciting updates in the works, including individualized game settings that will be coming soon. So, keep an eye out for those!

If you’re eager to try out Steam Game Recording Beta, head over to the dedicated web page for more details and instructions on how to get started. Get ready to capture and share your gaming adventures like never before!

Steam introduces game recording beta, revolutionizing gameplay capture for gamers.

Steam introduces game recording beta, revolutionizing gameplay capture for gamers.

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Background Information

About AMD: AMD, a large player in the semiconductor industry is known for its powerful processors and graphic solutions, AMD has consistently pushed the boundaries of performance, efficiency, and user experience. With a customer-centric approach, the company has cultivated a reputation for delivering high-performance solutions that cater to the needs of gamers, professionals, and general users. AMD's Ryzen series of processors have redefined the landscape of desktop and laptop computing, offering impressive multi-core performance and competitive pricing that has challenged the dominance of its competitors. Complementing its processor expertise, AMD's Radeon graphics cards have also earned accolades for their efficiency and exceptional graphical capabilities, making them a favored choice among gamers and content creators. The company's commitment to innovation and technology continues to shape the client computing landscape, providing users with powerful tools to fuel their digital endeavors.

AMD website  AMD LinkedIn

About nVidia: NVIDIA has firmly established itself as a leader in the realm of client computing, continuously pushing the boundaries of innovation in graphics and AI technologies. With a deep commitment to enhancing user experiences, NVIDIA's client computing business focuses on delivering solutions that power everything from gaming and creative workloads to enterprise applications. for its GeForce graphics cards, the company has redefined high-performance gaming, setting industry standards for realistic visuals, fluid frame rates, and immersive experiences. Complementing its gaming expertise, NVIDIA's Quadro and NVIDIA RTX graphics cards cater to professionals in design, content creation, and scientific fields, enabling real-time ray tracing and AI-driven workflows that elevate productivity and creativity to unprecedented heights. By seamlessly integrating graphics, AI, and software, NVIDIA continues to shape the landscape of client computing, fostering innovation and immersive interactions in a rapidly evolving digital world.

nVidia website  nVidia LinkedIn

Technology Explained

CPU: The Central Processing Unit (CPU) is the brain of a computer, responsible for executing instructions and performing calculations. It is the most important component of a computer system, as it is responsible for controlling all other components. CPUs are used in a wide range of applications, from desktop computers to mobile devices, gaming consoles, and even supercomputers. CPUs are used to process data, execute instructions, and control the flow of information within a computer system. They are also used to control the input and output of data, as well as to store and retrieve data from memory. CPUs are essential for the functioning of any computer system, and their applications in the computer industry are vast.

Steam Deck: Steam Deck is a revolutionary technology that has revolutionized the computer industry. It is a cloud-based platform that allows users to access their applications and games from any device, anywhere in the world. Steam Deck is a great way to access the latest games and applications without having to install them on your computer. It also allows users to access their games and applications from multiple devices, making it easier to stay connected and play with friends. Steam Deck also offers a variety of features such as cloud storage, game streaming, and more. This technology has made it easier for gamers to stay connected and play their favorite games without having to worry about hardware or software compatibility. Steam Deck is a great way to stay connected and enjoy the latest games and applications.

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