Global PC Shipments Rebound, Surpass Pre-Pandemic Levels in Q1 2024: Study

April 10, 2024 by our News Team

The traditional PC market experiences growth in Q1 2024, with global shipments reaching 59.8 million units, a 1.5% increase from the previous year, marking a positive sign for the industry.

  • The traditional PC market has returned to growth after two years of decline.
  • Global PC shipments have reached pre-pandemic levels, indicating a strong recovery.
  • The introduction of AI-powered PCs and the anticipated refresh cycle among commercial buyers present opportunities for the PC market to continue growing.

The traditional PC market has finally seen a ray of hope after two years of decline, as it returned to growth in the first quarter of 2024. According to the International Data Corporation (IDC) Worldwide Quarterly Personal Computing Device Tracker, global PC shipments reached 59.8 million units, growing by 1.5% compared to the same period last year.

This growth can be attributed to the favorable year-over-year comparisons, as the market experienced a staggering decline of 28.7% in the first quarter of 2023, marking the lowest point in PC history. Furthermore, global PC shipments have now reached pre-pandemic levels, with volumes in 1Q24 matching those seen in 1Q19 when 60.5 million units were shipped.

The recovery in PC shipments can be seen across various regions, including the Americas and Europe, the Middle East, and Africa (EMEA), as inflation numbers trend downwards. However, China’s deflationary pressures have had a direct impact on the global PC market. As the largest consumer of desktop PCs, weak demand in China has led to yet another quarter of decline for global desktop shipments, which are already facing competition from notebooks as the preferred form factor.

Despite these challenges, IDC’s Jitesh Ubrani, research manager with IDC’s Worldwide Mobile Device Trackers, remains optimistic about the future. Ubrani expects the recovery to continue in 2024, driven by the introduction of newer AI-powered PCs later this year and commercial buyers refreshing their PCs that were purchased during the pandemic. Additionally, the rise of AI PCs is expected to come with higher price tags, presenting an opportunity for PC and component makers.

In terms of market share, Lenovo maintained its position as the top PC vendor, outperforming the market due to the significant decline in shipments experienced in 1Q23. Apple also saw strong growth, largely attributed to a substantial decline in the previous year.

It’s important to note that IDC considers a statistical tie in the Personal Computing Device market when there is a difference of 0.1% or less in shipment shares among two or more vendors. The traditional PC category includes desktops, notebooks, and workstations, excluding Tablets or x86 servers. While detachable tablets and slate tablets are part of the Personal Computing Device Tracker, they are not specifically addressed in this press release.

Overall, the return to growth in the traditional PC market is a positive sign for the industry, indicating a potential rebound from the challenging years of decline. With the introduction of AI-powered PCs and the anticipated refresh cycle among commercial buyers, the PC market is poised for further recovery in the coming years.

Global PC Shipments Rebound, Surpass Pre-Pandemic Levels in Q1 2024: Study

Global PC Shipments Rebound, Surpass Pre-Pandemic Levels in Q1 2024: Study

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Background Information

About Apple: Apple Inc., known for its iconic products, was founded by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne in 1976. The company has since revolutionized the technology landscape with innovations like the Macintosh computer, iPod, iPhone, iPad, and more. for its emphasis on design, user experience, and ecosystem integration, Apple's devices and software have made a profound impact on various industries. With a commitment to quality and innovation, Apple remains a global technology leader.

Apple website  Apple LinkedIn

About IDC: IDC, or International Data Corporation, is a global provider of market intelligence, advisory services, and events for the information technology, telecommunications, and consumer technology markets. Established in 1964, IDC offers valuable insights into industry trends, market forecasts, and technology adoption through its research and analysis. Their expertise aids businesses, governments, and IT professionals in making informed decisions and strategies.

IDC website  IDC LinkedIn

About Lenovo: Lenovo, formerly known as "Legend Holdings," is a important global technology company that offers an extensive portfolio of computers, smartphones, servers, and electronic devices. Notably, Lenovo acquired IBM's personal computer division, including the ThinkPad line of laptops, in 2005. With a strong presence in laptops and PCs, Lenovo's products cater to a wide range of consumer and business needs. Committed to innovation and quality, Lenovo delivers reliable and high-performance solutions, making it a significant player in the tech industry.

Lenovo website  Lenovo LinkedIn

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