Seagate’s Game-Changing 30TB+ HDDs Revolutionize Storage Capacity

January 18, 2024 by our News Team

Seagate Technology introduces Mozaic 3+ hard drive platform with Heat-Assisted Magnetic Recording (HAMR) technology, offering unprecedented areal densities and significant cost and energy savings for data centers and other markets.

  • announcement that signals a new era in the storage industry
  • Unprecedented areal densities of 3 TB+ per platter, with a roadmap that aims to achieve 4 TB+ and 5 TB+ per platter in the near future
  • Significant 40% improvement in per terabyte power consumption, contributing to sustainability goals

Seagate Technology, a leading company in sustainable mass-data storage solutions, has made a announcement that signals a new era in the storage industry. The company has introduced the Mozaic 3+ hard drive platform, which incorporates Seagate’s innovative implementation of Heat-Assisted Magnetic Recording (HAMR) technology. This launch brings unprecedented areal densities of 3 TB+ per platter, with a roadmap that aims to achieve 4 TB+ and 5 TB+ per platter in the near future.

The Mozaic 3+ platform powers Seagate’s flagship Exos product family, which now offers industry-leading capacity points of 30 TB and beyond. These high-capacity Exos drives are already being shipped in volume to hyperscale cloud customers this quarter. Seagate’s areal density innovation addresses common pain points in the industry by allowing customers to store more data in the same floor space as before. For example, upgrading from a 16 TB conventional perpendicular magnetic recording (PMR) drive to an Exos 30 TB Mozaic 3+ technology drive effectively doubles the capacity within the same footprint.

What sets the Mozaic 3+ platform apart is its ability to dramatically increase capacity while using similar material components as PMR hard drives. This means that data centers can lower their storage acquisition and operational costs, including a significant 40% improvement in per terabyte power consumption. Additionally, Mozaic 3+ drives contribute to sustainability goals with a 55% reduction in embodied carbon per terabyte compared to traditional PMR drives.

Seagate is already experiencing strong demand from data center customers who are expected to complete qualification of Mozaic 3+ and move into volume production by the end of this quarter. One leading cloud service provider is particularly focused on ramping up the use of Seagate-provided drives with Mozaic 3+, demonstrating their confidence in the technology.

Dave Mosley, Seagate’s CEO, highlighted the company’s unique position in the market, stating, “Seagate is the world’s only hard drive manufacturer with the areal density capability to reach 3 TB per platter, and with 5 TB on the horizon. As AI use cases prioritize raw data sets, more companies will need to store as much data as possible. Areal density matters more than ever to accommodate these massive amounts of data.”

Mosley also emphasized that the Mozaic 3+ platform is not just about HAMR technology but includes several industry-first innovations that enable Seagate to scale areal density effectively. Here are some notable highlights:

1. Superlattice Platinum-Alloy Media: To achieve higher-density recording, smaller media grain sizes are required. However, smaller grains tend to be more unstable. Seagate overcame this challenge by using a pioneering iron-platinum superlattice structure in the media alloy. This structure significantly increases the magnetic coercivity of disk media, allowing for precise data writing and unprecedented bit stability.

2. Plasmonic Writer: The design of the Mozaic 3+ platform necessitated a revolutionary writer that can handle the magnetically “harder” media. Seagate’s unique implementation of HAMR includes a nanophotonic laser that produces an infinitesimal heat spot on the media surface to reliably write data. Seagate plans to vertically integrate the nanophotonic laser into the plasmonic writer sub-system to enhance efficiency and yield during volume production.

3. Gen 7 Spintronic Reader: Smaller grains of written data are only useful if they can be read accurately. The Mozaic 3+ platform includes one of the world’s smallest and most sensitive magnetic field reading sensors, incorporating quantum technology. This reader is integrated along with the sub-components of the plasmonic writer.

4. 12 nm Integrated Controller: To efficiently orchestrate all the technology in the Mozaic 3+ platform, Seagate developed an integrated controller, a system-on-a-chip, in-house. This advanced application-specific integrated circuit delivers up to three times the performance compared to previous solutions.

John Rydning, Research Vice President at IDC Global DataSphere, commented on the significance of Seagate’s areal density breakthrough, stating, “Hard drive areal density improvements are critical for economically and efficiently expanding the installed base of hard drive-based mass storage, especially in data centers. Seagate’s innovative areal density breakthrough is timely and will enable it to deliver increasingly higher capacity hard drive products for many years.”

In addition to data centers, the Mozaic 3+ storage technology will have a wide range of applications across various markets, including enterprise, edge computing, network-attached storage (NAS), and video and imaging applications (VIA).

For more information about Mozaic 3+ technologies and products, visit Seagate’s official page. Images and supplementary materials can be found here.

Seagate’s Game-Changing 30TB+ HDDs Revolutionize Storage Capacity

Seagate’s Game-Changing 30TB+ HDDs Revolutionize Storage Capacity

Seagate’s Game-Changing 30TB+ HDDs Revolutionize Storage Capacity

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Background Information

About IDC: IDC, or International Data Corporation, is a global provider of market intelligence, advisory services, and events for the information technology, telecommunications, and consumer technology markets. Established in 1964, IDC offers valuable insights into industry trends, market forecasts, and technology adoption through its research and analysis. Their expertise aids businesses, governments, and IT professionals in making informed decisions and strategies.

IDC website  IDC LinkedIn

About Seagate: Seagate Technology, founded in 1978, is a leading data storage solutions provider that specializes in hard drives and storage solutions for consumers, businesses, and data centers. With a reputation for reliability and innovation, Seagate's products address diverse storage needs, from individual data storage to large-scale enterprise environments. The company has played a crucial role in shaping the data storage landscape and continues to be at the forefront of technological advancements.

Seagate website  Seagate LinkedIn

Technology Explained

NAS: Network Attached Storage (NAS) is a specialized storage device or server that provides centralized data storage and access over a network, usually using Ethernet connections. NAS systems are designed to offer a convenient and efficient way to store and share files among multiple users or devices within a home or office environment. Unlike traditional storage solutions, NAS devices operate independently and have their own operating systems and management interfaces. They are characterized by easy setup and configuration, making them accessible even to users with limited technical expertise. NAS devices can offer various features, including data redundancy through RAID configurations, remote access over the internet, automatic backup, media streaming, and even application hosting in some advanced models. As a versatile and user-friendly storage solution, NAS has become a popular choice for both personal and small business use.

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