AMD releases AI and Compute Features for Microsoft Users

November 16, 2023 by our News Team

AMD and Microsoft are collaborating to bring the benefits of AI to a wide range of computing engines, with Azure being the first cloud platform to utilize the new AMD Instinct MI300X accelerator and 4th Gen AMD EPYC processors for optimized VMs.

  • Azure is the first cloud platform to utilize the new AMD Instinct MI300X accelerator
  • 4th Gen AMD EPYC processors offer up to 20% better performance for general purpose and memory-intensive tasks
  • Azure NGads V620 series of VMs are powered by AMD Radeon PRO V620 GPUs and 3rd Gen AMD EPYC CPUs

At the Microsoft Ignite event today, AMD and Microsoft showcased the power of AMD products in driving new services and compute capabilities across various domains, including cloud computing, generative AI, confidential computing, and smarter PCs. The collaboration between AMD and Microsoft aims to bring the benefits of AI to a wide range of computing engines, supported by AMD CPUs, GPUs, accelerators, and AI engines.

One of the highlights was the upcoming AMD Instinct MI300X accelerator, which will be featured in Microsoft’s Azure ND MI300x v5 Virtual Machine (VM) series. This makes Azure the first cloud platform to utilize the new accelerator, providing customers with more options for efficient and scalable AI workloads. The integration of AMD Instinct MI300X into Azure demonstrates the growing demand for AMD products in the cloud computing space.

Additionally, Microsoft is leveraging the power of 4th Gen AMD EPYC processors to run a new generation of VMs optimized for general purpose, memory-intensive, and compute-intensive workloads. These VMs offer up to 20% better performance for general purpose and memory-intensive tasks, and up to 2x the CPU performance for compute-optimized workloads compared to the previous generation of AMD EPYC-powered VMs. The new VM series will be available for public preview in the first quarter of 2024.

Another exciting development is the Azure NGads V620 series of VMs, which are now generally available. These GPU-accelerated VMs, part of the Azure N-series family, are powered by AMD Radeon PRO V620 GPUs and 3rd Gen AMD EPYC CPUs. The NGads V620 series is designed to handle workloads that require higher GPU resources per VM, catering to more demanding tasks or accommodating more users per VM. Whether it’s gaming, virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI), or rendering, the V620 delivers an optimized experience for various GPU workloads.

AMD also highlighted the success of Ryzen AI, the first dedicated AI accelerator available on an x86 processor. With over 50 systems currently available with Ryzen 7000 Series processors featuring Ryzen AI, there is a wide range of AMD AI PCs in the market. AMD and Microsoft have collaborated to enable Windows Studio Effects on Ryzen AI PCs, and they continue to work with software developers to expand AI workloads and generative AI experiences for consumers.

To learn more about AMD’s portfolio of AI products, tune into the AMD Advancing AI event on December 6 at 10 am PT. This event promises to provide further insights into how AMD is driving innovation in the AI space.

AMD releases AI and Compute Features for Microsoft Users

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Background Information

About AMD: AMD, a large player in the semiconductor industry is known for its powerful processors and graphic solutions, AMD has consistently pushed the boundaries of performance, efficiency, and user experience. With a customer-centric approach, the company has cultivated a reputation for delivering high-performance solutions that cater to the needs of gamers, professionals, and general users. AMD's Ryzen series of processors have redefined the landscape of desktop and laptop computing, offering impressive multi-core performance and competitive pricing that has challenged the dominance of its competitors. Complementing its processor expertise, AMD's Radeon graphics cards have also earned accolades for their efficiency and exceptional graphical capabilities, making them a favored choice among gamers and content creators. The company's commitment to innovation and technology continues to shape the client computing landscape, providing users with powerful tools to fuel their digital endeavors.

AMD website  AMD LinkedIn

About Microsoft: Microsoft, founded by Bill Gates and Paul Allen in 1975 in Redmond, Washington, USA, is a technology giant known for its wide range of software products, including the Windows operating system, Office productivity suite, and cloud services like Azure. Microsoft also manufactures hardware, such as the Surface line of laptops and tablets, Xbox gaming consoles, and accessories.

Microsoft website  Microsoft LinkedIn

Technology Explained

CPU: The Central Processing Unit (CPU) is the brain of a computer, responsible for executing instructions and performing calculations. It is the most important component of a computer system, as it is responsible for controlling all other components. CPUs are used in a wide range of applications, from desktop computers to mobile devices, gaming consoles, and even supercomputers. CPUs are used to process data, execute instructions, and control the flow of information within a computer system. They are also used to control the input and output of data, as well as to store and retrieve data from memory. CPUs are essential for the functioning of any computer system, and their applications in the computer industry are vast.

EPYC: EPYC is a technology designed by computer chip manufacturer AMD for use in the server and data center industry. It was introduced in June 2017 and features an innovative design to improve performance and power efficiency. EPYC processor technology is based on an innovative 14nm processor architecture, allowing up to 32 high-performance cores in a single socket. This allows for more efficient processing power, increased memory bandwidth, and greater compute density. EPYC is now widely used in the data center and cloud computing industry and provides benefits such as greater scalability, increased resource efficiency, and advanced virtualization capabilities. Additionally, EPYC technology is used in data intensive servers like server farms, gaming, and virtualization platforms. EPYC ensures that even with large deployments in multi-processor environments, power consumption and performance levels are optimized to ensure maximum efficiency.

GPU: GPU stands for Graphics Processing Unit and is a specialized type of processor designed to handle graphics-intensive tasks. It is used in the computer industry to render images, videos, and 3D graphics. GPUs are used in gaming consoles, PCs, and mobile devices to provide a smooth and immersive gaming experience. They are also used in the medical field to create 3D models of organs and tissues, and in the automotive industry to create virtual prototypes of cars. GPUs are also used in the field of artificial intelligence to process large amounts of data and create complex models. GPUs are becoming increasingly important in the computer industry as they are able to process large amounts of data quickly and efficiently.

Radeon: AMD Radeon, a product line by Advanced Micro Devices (AMD), consists of graphics processing units (GPUs) recognized for their strong performance in gaming, content creation, and professional applications. Powered by innovative technologies like the RDNA architecture, Radeon GPUs deliver efficient and powerful graphics processing. The brand also supports features like FreeSync, enhancing visual fluidity and reducing screen tearing during gaming. Moreover, AMD Radeon GPUs embrace real-time ray tracing for heightened realism in lighting and reflections. With a balance between price and performance, Radeon competes with NVIDIA's GeForce graphics cards and remains a popular choice for a wide range of users.

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