Oxide Introduces Revolutionary Cloud Computer, a Game-Changer in Computing

October 27, 2023 by our News Team

Oxide Computer Company has launched the world's first commercial Cloud Computer, a unified hardware and software solution designed to bring the public cloud experience to on-premises environments, and has secured a $44 million Series A financing round to accelerate production for Fortune 1000 enterprises.

  • Oxide Computer Company has secured a $44 million Series A financing round
  • Oxide offers a unified product that brings the developer experience and operational efficiencies of the public cloud to on-premises environments
  • Oxide's solution offers improved energy efficiency compared to traditional servers, takes up less space, comes complete with all the necessary software, and requires no assembly

Oxide Computer Company has made a announcement today with the unveiling of the world’s first commercial Cloud Computer. This innovative system is a true rack-scale solution that combines both hardware and software, specifically designed for on-premises cloud computing. The company has also secured a $44 million Series A financing round, led by Eclipse and with participation from Intel Capital, Riot Ventures, Counterpart Ventures, and Rally Ventures. This funding will help accelerate production for Fortune 1000 enterprises, bringing Oxide’s total financing raised to date to an impressive $78 million.

Despite the widespread adoption of cloud computing, the majority of IT infrastructure still resides in on-premises data centers. This often leads to enterprises having to piece together various hardware and software components, resulting in a fragmented system. Oxide aims to solve this problem by offering a unified product that brings the developer experience and operational efficiencies of the public cloud to on-premises environments.

Steve Tuck, CEO and co-founder of Oxide, explains the motivation behind their mission: “Cloud computing has been at the foundation of digital transformation, and yet it remains restricted to a centralized, rental-only model. Every enterprise today has financial, security, Latency, and reliability needs that require them to own their computing infrastructure, and the rental-only model has denied them modern cloud capabilities for these use cases. We are changing that.”

Intel Capital’s Senior Managing Director, Andy Fligel, recognizes the importance of Oxide’s solution in addressing the urgent needs of enterprise IT stakeholders: “Oxide addresses the most urgent needs of stakeholders in enterprise IT. They have eliminated the trade-off between cloud and on-premises so enterprises can achieve cloud performance across every aspect of their business. Oxide makes it possible to ‘own the cloud’ instead of renting it—a concept that could shift the economics of cloud computing.”

Investors are equally enthusiastic about Oxide’s potential impact. Will Coffield, Partner at Riot Ventures, describes Oxide as a game-changer: “Oxide essentially wrapped all the hopes and dreams of a software engineer, IT manager, and a CFO into a single box. It’s best-in-class infrastructure with a clear and obvious ROI. Oxide provides the first alternative to the public cloud that doesn’t require any sacrifices. There is a massive market for this, and Oxide assembled an Avengers team to pull this off.”

Oxide’s approach to creating a unified hardware and software solution involved a complete redesign and rebuild of every aspect of the stack. Co-founders Steve Tuck and Bryan Cantrill, who have extensive experience in cloud infrastructure, assembled a team of 60 technologists with expertise in software, mechanical, electrical, and industrial engineering. Their goal was to transform the fundamental corner of computing.

Bryan Cantrill, CTO and co-founder of Oxide, explains their audacious mission: “While we were not the only ones to see this, many believed that the problem was too daunting for a new company: despite the large market, the conventional wisdom was that one simply couldn’t find the investors and technologists necessary to fund, design, and build it. We had the audacity to prove that thinking to be wrong.”

The Oxide Cloud Computer offers purpose-built networking, compute, and storage capabilities that deliver hyperscale cloud computing to on-premises data centers. This system boasts improved energy efficiency compared to traditional servers, takes up less space, comes complete with all the necessary software, and requires no assembly. As a result, Oxide customers can go from rack install to developer availability in a matter of hours, significantly reducing deployment time.

With Oxide’s solution, developers can build, run, and operate any application with enhanced security, latency, and control. This allows enterprises to elevate their IT operations and accelerate strategic initiatives. The Idaho National Laboratory and a global financial services organization are among Oxide’s customers, with additional installations planned for Fortune 1000 enterprises in the near future.

The Oxide Cloud Computer marks a paradigm shift in the world of IT. Seth Winterroth, Partner at Eclipse, recognizes the significance of this achievement: “Successfully combining rack-scale hardware innovations with deeply integrated cloud software is nothing short of a massive engineering feat—and one that can’t be solved with a single engineering breakthrough alone. The Oxide team meticulously rethought and re-tooled every single layer, node, and resource of the entire technology stack, from deep within hardware to the software interfaces. This milestone marks the start of a paradigm shift in the world of IT—Steve, Bryan, and the Oxide team are ushering in and defining an entirely new category in IT.”

To learn more about the Oxide Cloud Computer, visit oxide.computer. Oxide Computer Company is paving the way for enterprises to fully realize the benefits of cloud ownership. Their innovative solution provides the same self-service development experience as public cloud products, without the associated costs. By empowering developers and up-leveling IT operations, Oxide is enabling enterprises to accelerate their strategic initiatives and achieve cloud performance across all aspects of their business.

Oxide Introduces Revolutionary Cloud Computer, a Game-Changer in Computing

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Background Information

About Intel: Intel Corporation, a global technology leader, is for its semiconductor innovations that power computing and communication devices worldwide. As a pioneer in microprocessor technology, Intel has left an indelible mark on the evolution of computing with its processors that drive everything from PCs to data centers and beyond. With a history of advancements, Intel's relentless pursuit of innovation continues to shape the digital landscape, offering solutions that empower businesses and individuals to achieve new levels of productivity and connectivity.

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Technology Explained

Latency: Technology latency is the time it takes for a computer system to respond to a request. It is an important factor in the performance of computer systems, as it affects the speed and efficiency of data processing. In the computer industry, latency is a major factor in the performance of computer networks, storage systems, and other computer systems. Low latency is essential for applications that require fast response times, such as online gaming, streaming media, and real-time data processing. High latency can cause delays in data processing, resulting in slow response times and poor performance. To reduce latency, computer systems use various techniques such as caching, load balancing, and parallel processing. By reducing latency, computer systems can provide faster response times and improved performance.

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