Silicon Motion reveals cost-effective USB Display Interface SoC, enabling universal docking stations.

June 3, 2024 by our News Team

Silicon Motion introduces the SM770 USB display interface SoC, featuring Content Adaptive Technology and user-friendly software, designed for USB docking stations to simplify connectivity for multiple 4K Ultra-High Definition Displays with low latency and power consumption.

  • High-performance USB display interface SoC
  • Supports up to three concurrent 4K UHD displays
  • Utilizes Content Adaptive Technology for efficient compression and reduced CPU load

Silicon Motion Technology Corporation, a important player in the field of controller solutions for display interface and NAND storage, has just launched its latest innovation – the SM770 USB display interface SoC. This system-on-a-chip is specifically designed for USB docking stations, aiming to simplify connectivity for multiple 4K Ultra-High Definition Displays while offering low Latency and power consumption.

The SM770 is a high-performance USB Display interface SoC that supports up to three concurrent 4K UHD displays, boasting a resolution of 3840×2160@60p. The key to its impressive performance lies in Silicon Motion’s innovative Content Adaptive Technology (CAT), which utilizes various image and video processing algorithms to compress display data and minimize bandwidth usage. By offloading most of the compression work to a hardware accelerator, CAT technology operates more efficiently and reduces the CPU load.

To further enhance user experience, the SM770 features the user-friendly InstantView software application, allowing seamless multi-display extension without the need for a display driver. This means that users can effortlessly configure host content for any display, making display extension easier and more efficient.

Moreover, the SM770 is designed with superior compatibility in mind. It works seamlessly with major operating systems such as Microsoft Windows, Apple macOS, and Linux. It also includes extensions for Android, ChromeOS, and most popular display brands on the market. This wide range of compatibility ensures that users can enjoy the benefits of the SM770 regardless of their preferred platform or device.

Alex Chou, Senior VP of Enterprise Storage & Display Interface Solution Business at Silicon Motion, emphasized the importance of USB docking stations in today’s professional environments. He stated, “USB docking stations have become essential peripherals for many professionals who now require multiple displays. Our new SM770 is designed to significantly enhance multi-screen display performance by minimizing latency and optimizing overall system efficiency. This advancement enables the creation of high-value USB display docking stations and display adapters that meet the demanding needs of today’s professional environments.”

Key features of the SM770 include support for triple 4K displays at 60 Hz or 2K displays at 144 Hz, the second-generation CAT technology that delivers reduced latency codecs, and USB 3.2 Gen 2 (10 Gbps) support. The SM770 also offers flexibility in display connectivity options, supporting displays over PCI-E, USB, Ethernet, or wireless connections.

The SM770 is now available for customer sampling, signaling Silicon Motion’s commitment to delivering innovative solutions that cater to the evolving needs of professionals seeking seamless and efficient multi-display setups.

Silicon Motion reveals cost-effective USB Display Interface SoC, enabling universal docking stations.

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Background Information

About Apple: Apple Inc., known for its iconic products, was founded by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne in 1976. The company has since revolutionized the technology landscape with innovations like the Macintosh computer, iPod, iPhone, iPad, and more. for its emphasis on design, user experience, and ecosystem integration, Apple's devices and software have made a profound impact on various industries. With a commitment to quality and innovation, Apple remains a global technology leader.

Apple website  Apple LinkedIn

About Microsoft: Microsoft, founded by Bill Gates and Paul Allen in 1975 in Redmond, Washington, USA, is a technology giant known for its wide range of software products, including the Windows operating system, Office productivity suite, and cloud services like Azure. Microsoft also manufactures hardware, such as the Surface line of laptops and tablets, Xbox gaming consoles, and accessories.

Microsoft website  Microsoft LinkedIn

Technology Explained

CPU: The Central Processing Unit (CPU) is the brain of a computer, responsible for executing instructions and performing calculations. It is the most important component of a computer system, as it is responsible for controlling all other components. CPUs are used in a wide range of applications, from desktop computers to mobile devices, gaming consoles, and even supercomputers. CPUs are used to process data, execute instructions, and control the flow of information within a computer system. They are also used to control the input and output of data, as well as to store and retrieve data from memory. CPUs are essential for the functioning of any computer system, and their applications in the computer industry are vast.

Latency: Technology latency is the time it takes for a computer system to respond to a request. It is an important factor in the performance of computer systems, as it affects the speed and efficiency of data processing. In the computer industry, latency is a major factor in the performance of computer networks, storage systems, and other computer systems. Low latency is essential for applications that require fast response times, such as online gaming, streaming media, and real-time data processing. High latency can cause delays in data processing, resulting in slow response times and poor performance. To reduce latency, computer systems use various techniques such as caching, load balancing, and parallel processing. By reducing latency, computer systems can provide faster response times and improved performance.

NAND: NAND technology is a type of non-volatile memory that is used in many computer applications. It is a type of flash memory that is used to store data in a non-volatile manner, meaning that the data is not lost when the power is turned off. NAND technology is used in many computer applications, such as solid-state drives, USB flash drives, digital cameras, and memory cards. It is also used in many embedded systems, such as cell phones, tablets, and other consumer electronics. NAND technology is a reliable and cost-effective way to store data, making it a popular choice for many computer applications.

SoC: A System-on-Chip (SoC) is a highly integrated semiconductor device that encapsulates various electronic components, including processors, memory, input/output interfaces, and often specialized hardware components, all on a single chip. SoCs are designed to provide a complete computing system or subsystem within a single chip package, offering enhanced performance, power efficiency, and compactness. They are commonly used in a wide range of devices, from smartphones and tablets to embedded systems and IoT devices, streamlining hardware complexity and facilitating efficient integration of multiple functions onto a single chip.

UHD: Ultra High Definition (UHD) is a technology that revolutionizes the quality of digital display with resolutions much higher than standard HD. UHD offers sharper images and higher resolutions in order to provide the user with better clarity and detail. UHD is widely used in gaming, media streaming, and HDTVs, as it offers superior viewing experience. In the computer industry, UHD is used to create high-end visuals for gaming, video conferencing, and streaming of 4K content. UHD also enables users to extend their desktop workspace and multitask better with multiple screens. With UHD, computer users can also enjoy an improved multimedia experience that provides more depth and vivid colors. UHD gives users more options for connecting their monitors and TV displays to their computers for enhanced gaming and streaming experience.

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