QNAP teams up with Trend Micro’s ZDI to bolster product security, a game-changer!

May 12, 2024 by our News Team

QNAP Systems actively participated in the Pwn2Own Toronto 2023 competition, organized by Trend Micro's Zero Day Initiative, to identify and address vulnerabilities in their network-attached storage solutions, demonstrating their commitment to enhancing product security and collaborating with the cybersecurity community.

  • QNAP is actively participating in global cybersecurity events, demonstrating their commitment to enhancing the security of their products.
  • The company has a dedicated Product Security Incident Response Team (PSIRT) that promptly addresses any vulnerabilities identified by security experts.
  • By releasing security patches and updates for their products, QNAP ensures that users can quickly update their systems for enhanced protection.

QNAP Systems, a leading provider of network-attached storage (NAS) solutions, has recently participated in the Pwn2Own Toronto 2023 competition organized by Trend Micro’s Zero Day Initiative (ZDI). This global cybersecurity event aims to challenge vulnerabilities in software and hardware, allowing security experts to showcase their skills and vendors to address any weaknesses in their products.

By joining forces with international cybersecurity organizations like ZDI, QNAP is demonstrating its commitment to enhancing the security of its products. The company’s Product Security Incident Response Team (PSIRT) actively participated in the Pwn2Own 2023 review meeting, where weaknesses in QNAP’s products were identified by participants. In response, QNAP promptly initiated remediation efforts and released updated versions of its NAS operating system, ensuring users can quickly update their systems for enhanced protection.

QNAP acknowledges the Zero Day Initiative for organizing the Pwn2Own event, which serves as a valuable platform for promoting cybersecurity communication and collaboration. The company extends its gratitude to the ZDI Program Operations team for their assistance and contributions in coordinating the disclosure process between ZDI and QNAP’s security incident response team. QNAP also appreciates the dedication and hard work of the research community in safeguarding customers’ data.

Stanley Huang, Senior Manager of QNAP’s Product Security Incident Response Team, expressed QNAP’s commitment to actively participating in similar events and becoming sponsors to further promote the development of cybersecurity. This dedication aims to provide users with more secure and reliable products and services.

To address the vulnerabilities discovered during Pwn2Own 2023, QNAP has released security patches for its QTS, QuTS hero, QuTScloud, myQNAPcloud, and myQNAPcloud Link products. Users can find detailed information about these patches on QNAP’s security advisory page.

By engaging in international collaborations and participating in prestigious events like Pwn2Own, QNAP is continuously striving to improve the security of its products and ensure the best protection for users’ valuable data.

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Background Information

About QNAP: QNAP Systems, founded in Taipei in 2004 by Meiji Chang, has become a global leader in NAS solutions with a strong focus on innovation and user-friendly design. Their strategic partnerships with industry giants and their commitment to pushing the boundaries of what NAS devices can do make them a noteworthy player in the tech world.

QNAP website  QNAP LinkedIn

Technology Explained

NAS: Network Attached Storage (NAS) is a specialized storage device or server that provides centralized data storage and access over a network, usually using Ethernet connections. NAS systems are designed to offer a convenient and efficient way to store and share files among multiple users or devices within a home or office environment. Unlike traditional storage solutions, NAS devices operate independently and have their own operating systems and management interfaces. They are characterized by easy setup and configuration, making them accessible even to users with limited technical expertise. NAS devices can offer various features, including data redundancy through RAID configurations, remote access over the internet, automatic backup, media streaming, and even application hosting in some advanced models. As a versatile and user-friendly storage solution, NAS has become a popular choice for both personal and small business use.

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