AMD Ryzen 9000 “Zen 5” Set to Boost AVX-512 Support and Enhance FP Execution

February 13, 2024 by our News Team

AMD is set to release its highly anticipated Zen 5 processors, which boast enhanced support for AVX-512 instructions and significant improvements in floating-point execution and division/mod instructions, bringing them on par with Intel's products and greatly benefiting users in demanding computational tasks.

  • Early support for Zen 5 processors has been spotted in the GNU compiler collection.
  • Zen 5 processors boast enhanced support for AVX-512 instructions, bringing them on par with Intel's products.
  • Significant improvements have been made in floating-point execution and division/mod instructions, with expanded execution pipelines and wider registers.

AMD is gearing up to release its next-generation Zen 5 processors, and early support for these chips has already been spotted in the GNU compiler collection. This exciting development was first shared on the AnandTech forums by a member named Bigos. The initial patch introduces support for various instruction sets, including AVXVNNI, MOVDIRI, MOVDIR64B, AVX512VP2INTERSECT, and PREFETCHI. While most of these instruction sets have been present in Intel chips since the Willow Cove era, PREFTECHI is expected to make its debut with Lion Cove.

One of the standout features of the Zen 5 processors is their enhanced support for AVX-512 instructions. This includes the addition of Vector Neural Network Instructions (AVXVNNI), which will greatly accelerate neural network workloads that are still being operated on the CPU. This improvement brings AMD’s processors on par with Intel’s Sapphire and Emerald Rapids.

In addition to AVX-512 support, the Zen 5 processors also boast improvements in floating-point execution and division/mod instructions. The cost of instructions such as DIVSS, DIVSD, SQRTSS, and SQRTSD has been significantly reduced, thanks to enhancements made to the execution units. On the hardware side, the Zen 5 expands the execution pipelines for both integer and floating-point operations. The Integer ALU pipelines have been increased from 4 to 6, and an additional AGU (Address Generation Unit) has been added to boost the load/store units from 3 to 4. Overall, there are now ten execution ports on the Integer Execution side, up from 8 in previous generations.

The Floating Point side of the Zen 5 processors has seen even more significant improvements. The execution ports have been expanded to be 512-bit wide, allowing for better support of AVX-512 instructions. This means that all five FMUL/ADD units are now 512-bit wide, which is quite impressive considering that Intel designs typically consist of a single 512-bit FP unit. While not all floating-point instructions will utilize the full 512-bit pipe, the expanded execution units and wider registers are a remarkable achievement for AMD in a single generation.

Overall, the advancements made in the Zen 5 processors are truly remarkable. AMD has managed to bring its processors up to speed with Intel’s products in terms of AVX-512 support, while also introducing significant improvements in floating-point execution and division/mod instructions. These enhancements will undoubtedly benefit users who rely on CPU-based neural network workloads and other demanding computational tasks.

As of now, there is no official release date for the Ryzen 9000">AMD Ryzen 9000 series featuring the Zen 5 architecture. However, the early support found in the GNU compiler collection suggests that we may see these processors hitting the market sooner rather than later. AMD enthusiasts and professionals alike are eagerly awaiting the official announcement, as the Zen 5 processors promise to deliver even more power and performance to meet the demands of modern computing.

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Background Information

About AMD: AMD, a large player in the semiconductor industry is known for its powerful processors and graphic solutions, AMD has consistently pushed the boundaries of performance, efficiency, and user experience. With a customer-centric approach, the company has cultivated a reputation for delivering high-performance solutions that cater to the needs of gamers, professionals, and general users. AMD's Ryzen series of processors have redefined the landscape of desktop and laptop computing, offering impressive multi-core performance and competitive pricing that has challenged the dominance of its competitors. Complementing its processor expertise, AMD's Radeon graphics cards have also earned accolades for their efficiency and exceptional graphical capabilities, making them a favored choice among gamers and content creators. The company's commitment to innovation and technology continues to shape the client computing landscape, providing users with powerful tools to fuel their digital endeavors.

AMD website  AMD LinkedIn

About Intel: Intel Corporation, a global technology leader, is for its semiconductor innovations that power computing and communication devices worldwide. As a pioneer in microprocessor technology, Intel has left an indelible mark on the evolution of computing with its processors that drive everything from PCs to data centers and beyond. With a history of advancements, Intel's relentless pursuit of innovation continues to shape the digital landscape, offering solutions that empower businesses and individuals to achieve new levels of productivity and connectivity.

Intel website  Intel LinkedIn

Technology Explained

AVX-512: AVX-512 is a technology that has been developed to enhance the performance of computer processors. It stands for Advanced Vector Extensions-512 and is a set of instructions that allow processors to perform multiple calculations simultaneously. This means that tasks can be completed faster and more efficiently, resulting in improved overall performance of the computer. AVX-512 is particularly useful for tasks that require a lot of data processing, such as video editing, scientific simulations, and artificial intelligence. It is also used in gaming to improve graphics and gameplay. In simple terms, AVX-512 makes computers faster and more powerful, allowing us to do more complex tasks in less time.

AVXVNNI: AVXVNNI stands for Advanced Vector Extensions with Vector Neural Network Instructions and is a set of instructions that allows computers to perform complex calculations and tasks at lightning-fast speeds. This technology is particularly useful in the field of artificial intelligence and machine learning, where it enables computers to process and analyze large amounts of data in a fraction of the time it would take a human. AVXVNNI has also greatly improved the performance of video and image processing, making it possible to edit and render high-quality videos and images in record time. In simpler terms, AVXVNNI is like a supercharger for computers, making them faster and more efficient in handling complex tasks. Its applications are endless and have greatly enhanced the capabilities of modern computers.

CPU: The Central Processing Unit (CPU) is the brain of a computer, responsible for executing instructions and performing calculations. It is the most important component of a computer system, as it is responsible for controlling all other components. CPUs are used in a wide range of applications, from desktop computers to mobile devices, gaming consoles, and even supercomputers. CPUs are used to process data, execute instructions, and control the flow of information within a computer system. They are also used to control the input and output of data, as well as to store and retrieve data from memory. CPUs are essential for the functioning of any computer system, and their applications in the computer industry are vast.

PREFTECHI: PREFTECHI stands for "Predictive Finite Element Technology" and is used to simulate and analyze the behavior of complex systems. In simpler terms, it is a powerful tool that helps engineers and designers to predict how a computer system will perform before it is actually built. This allows for faster and more efficient development of new products, as any potential issues can be identified and addressed early on. PREFTECHI is used in a wide range of applications in the computer industry, from designing and testing computer hardware components to optimizing software performance. It has greatly improved the speed and accuracy of computer system development, making it an invaluable tool in the ever-evolving world of technology.

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